Free Text Books for 2023-2024

Indiana legislatures passed legislation to make all curricular materials FREE to Indiana families for the 2023-2024 school year and into the future. 

-What does this mean?

Parents will not have to pay a fee for textbooks or other classroom fees. This is great relief for Indiana families and we are excited about this change!

-Do I need to do anything?

NO, this is a universal program to ALL students. 

-How does this affect school lunch?

This does NOT affect school lunch. WWSC still encourages EVERY family to fill out a FREE & REDUCED LUNCH FORM. Many families qualify when they complete the documents required. Additionally, this information allows us to qualify for a variety of grants and programs. 

If WWSC is going to ever offer Universal Free Meals to our students we need a higher percentage of families to participate and qualify for the F&R Program.